Friday, April 04, 2008

Day 11, 12, 13, and 14

Is this cheating? Not when you make up your own rules! :)

It's been quite a week; in a good way. I decided not to force a blog post when words didn't come. I haven't been remembering dreams lately, but I have been trying subtly new and different ways of being in the world. I am taking a more active role in making connections with people, although I'm trying my best to do it in a balanced way. That is, not overextending myself or my freedom, nor being forward, but trying to remaining open so when situations arise that I want to explore, I am able to.

So far, I've been amazed at how things seem to work themselves out when I let go of trying to control things and go with the flow, happily. In the past few days, things have seemed simple. I feel like I'm able to access the joy of life a little more easily than before.

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