Wednesday, January 07, 2009


The most recent topic for the Power of Now Group meeting was “What is your theme for 2009?”

My theme for 2009 is Generosity. This theme incorporates multiple aspects that I’d like to focus attention on while accessing an underlying quality that has been suppressed. As a child, I was generous. Until my parents caught on, I would often give away my toys when I saw how happy they made someone. So, in a sense, I am reclaiming that genuine aspect of myself – one that was truly mine as an innocent child.

So what does generosity equate to, in my life?

Generous to myself
  • My body, through fitness, nutrition, general health
  • My spirit, through spiritual practice and growth, and connection to others
  • My mind, through learning and playing
Generous to others
  • Acceptance through patience, understanding, and compassion
  • Giving time, attention, and care through being helpful and considerate during any interactions
  • Creative expressions of gratitude (for example, submitting positive comment cards with an employee’s name – it may help someone get a raise!)
Generous with money
  • Recognize where there is value to me
  • Practice “smart generosity” – "feed" areas I want to grow

How do I see a year of generosity changing my life?

I will experience more joy. Generosity feels good as it recognizes, fosters, and celebrates the connection we have with others.

It will be easier to recognize that what I receive may be an opportunity for another to practice generosity. That will help me gladly accept favors and gifts from others without a feeling of obligation.

I will no longer see myself as someone who is struggling to get on with life after a divorce, but someone who has an enormous potential to assist humanity’s evolution toward enlightenment.

If I live with a generous heart, I am giving the universe what I would be happy to receive.