Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I feel great compassion for all animals, and don't like being labeled specifically like "cat person" or "dog person" because those types of labels connote a dislike of the rest as opposed to an increased appreciation of the one. That being said, this post is a tribute to the things I appreciate about cats, specifically those currently in my family and those who have passed. I had to take Majik to the animal hospital this morning for a urinary blockage; so far he is doing well, but I miss him already, and want to acknowledge what I appreciate about him and his kind.

I love falling victim to the "second- or third-kitty" syndrome as I end up napping after cuddling up to sleeping cat(s) in the middle of the day. I love the there's-no-place-I'd-rather-be look they make with their eyes. I love how soft they feel. I love their safe and tranquil purr.

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on our sofa next to my husband with Majik in my lap. We were both petting him, and he was returning our love in the form of trust, purrs, relaxation, and peace. While sitting there, I said "people who don't like cats have never experienced moments like this."

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