Monday, March 03, 2008


How am I doing? It depends on the day. Or the hour. Or the minute. But always, I am fortunate.

My living space is more than adequate on a functional level, but not so much on an aesthetic level. I won’t say aesthetics are unimportant overall, but at this stage in my life, in terms of my living space, they are a very low priority. Being practical is natural for me, so I’d say my adjustment to the roughness of my living space is complete. I no longer notice the things that others would probably turn up their noses at.

I can’t say as much for the other areas of adjustment, but they are progressing in the only way they can. (Not all are bad. However, I hesitate to sing the praises of being solitary out of respect for the effect this has had on the counterpart of this separation.)

On my way into work this morning, as I was driving through Valley Forge National Park, I happened to be thinking about what it feels like to be in love, and whether it was worth the inevitable heartache. Is that feeling of being in love so rare, that I shouldn't reject it? And at the moment I posed that question, I saw a red fox. As if the universe said, "Yes, it is that rare."


Paul Mohr said...

I will try to respond completely on my web site but you have chosen to ask the big questions.
I think that looking at your profile and interests that you are sandbagging me a bit if you have an interest in nanotechnology and theoretical physics.
That is how I first came to your site. I clicked on nanotechnology in my profile and it gave me a list of people with a similar interest. I learned a trick there. Now I can look up people who have even read the same books. The google blogger code is very interesting, I like Google Analytics also.
I would say that love is a good stretch more complex than theoretical physics and actual physics is even worse.
I like tennis and racquetball.
I appreciate the comment, I will give it a shot. It's nice to know I'm not just talking to the electrons moving about the internet. :)
I wonder how it is possible to feel alone in a world of 6.6 billion people connected to each other at the speed of light?

Jessica said...

It was not my intent to deceive anyone by mentioning my interest in nanotechnology. I've read about K Eric Drexler, and I used to frequent the Foresight Institute website. I am interested in theoretical physics probably as much as a layman can be. There was even a time when I decided I wanted to be cryonically frozen upon my death. But, that was back in my early 20s, when I was too young to actually do something about it.

Anyway, you commented on my blog that you would like to hear more (,
so I thought I would contact you.

I won't be able hold my own in any expert science discussions but you sound like the type of person who likes to wax philosophical about many things, as I do.

I know the topics I mentioned are heavy and complex, but they can also be broken down into meta-topics.

I look forward to reading your posts. If you have any interest in contacting me directly, you can use my personal email address: jesscrymes *at* gmail *dot* com (To thwart some of those netbots. :) )